Privacy Policy

FRANCE Lawyers (FA Website)
Version: 2.0.0. - 01/20/2024

FRANCÊ AdvogadosYour privacy is important to us. It is FRANCE Advogados's policy to respect your privacy in relation to any information we may collect from you on our website, and other websites we own and operate. For this reason, we have prepared this Privacy Policy. Thank you for visiting our page.

Please, we recommend that you carefully read our Privacy Policy before browsing our website and using our services. You will be able to observe how your personal information is handled when accessing our Platform or using our Features. Also read our Terms of Use.

Topics: i) Personal Data collected and processed | ii) Why this data is collected | iii) Cookies| iv) When we delete Personal Data | v) Who else will have access to Personal Data | vi) Rights in relation to your Personal Data | vii) Storage and Protection of Personal Data | viii) Consent to Use of Personal Data| ix) Third Party Websites | x) Changes to This Policy | xi) How to File a Complaint



For the purposes of this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), we refer to “Platform” as the entire structure existing in electronic addresses “", “http://france.adv. br”, “”, or “”, where categorized content (“Functionalities”) is made available to users, through possible registration ( “Registration”) and Registration (“Registration”) to receive our Monthly Newsletters (“Bulletins”) and optionally, to subscribe at Events (“Events”) held by the firm. “User” is any and all individuals who, in some way, access the Platform making use of our content, regardless of registration or not.

The registration of Legal Entities (“PJ”) as users of the Platform must necessarily be carried out by one of their Legal Representatives (“Representative”), duly authorized. For the purposes of this Policy, when the User is a PJ, the legal representative who carried out the registration is also considered “User”, since their personal data must be provided and manipulated on the Platform to carry out the Registration.

Minors under 18 (eighteen) years of age (“Minors”) do not must register on our Platform. Likewise, we do not collect information nor do we maintain a record of users in such a situation in our database. When we become aware of information or registrations in such situations, they will be summarily banned from our databases, without any prior notice.

Registration is necessary so that the User can properly receive all the Functions that the Platform proposes, directing the desired content to the User, through their Personal Information (“Personal Data”). It is not possible to offer the Platform's Functionalities without access to the User's Personal Data, that is, the processing of Personal Data is a condition for the User to use the Platform.

Furthermore, our Platform uses Cookies (“Cookies”) to identify our users. Cookie is a type of file downloaded to the equipment that the User uses to access the Platform, such as computer/smartphone/tablet, etc. (“Device”) when accessing certain web pages, which aims to store and retrieve information about browsing habits that is carried out through the user’s Device.

This Policy explains, in a simple, objective and transparent way, which Personal Data is collected and processed by FRANCE Advogados and for what purposes, in addition to indicating with whom it can be shared and what resources are available to Users to manage Personal Data.


1. Personal Data collected and processed

Personal Data for Registration: When registering on the FRANCÊ Advogados Platform, the User must enter the following personal information for their Registration:< br> 
- Name and Surname;

- Email address;

- Mailing address; and

- Contact phone number.

In addition to this information, the User may also send a photo or image that represents them and which will be attached to their User Profile and choose to receive our Monthly Bulletins (Newsletter) and must declare, by ticking the corresponding check-box, that you have read this Privacy Policy.

Data for Business Registration: When it comes to registering a Legal Entity, in addition to the previous information, the User must select the “Company Registration” option and complement the registration with the following information:

- Name of the Organization of which you are part; and

- Position or function in the organization.

In addition to this information, additional data may be collected during registration, such as:

Device Information:

We may also collect additional information, such as device model, IP, date and time of access to the Platform. It is important to mention that we do not collect personal data through cookies, pixels, beacons or other similar tools. The use of cookies by the Platform is restricted to statistical analyzes regarding the use of the Platform, without any link to the user's IP or other personal data.

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2. Why this data is collected

We use Users’ Personal Data for the following purposes:

Personal Registration Data:

To register the User in the Platform's newsletter, to register the User in FRANCÊ Advogados events, to identify and allow the User to post comments or questions on our content pages and to identify and allow the User to Contact us using the Contact Us form, available on the Platform.

Device Information

To comply with legal obligations and requirements.

We do not use the Personal Data of Users registered in our Database for any purpose other than those described above.

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3. Forms of Data Collection and Cookies

Data collection begins when the User begins to interact with the Platform. For example, when accessing the Platform, the user will observe a banner at the bottom, informing them of the use of Cookies by the Platform. When you click on “Save Preferences” or “Accept All Cookies”, as applicable, a record containing your choice will be generated and stored in our database. Likewise, a Cookie will be generated, storing your choice and sending it to the User's Device. When the user returns to the Platform, their choice regarding our Cookies will be saved, both in our database and in the Cookie sent to the User's Device, so that the User will not need to make their choice again.

The FA Website uses “Cookies” to identify users or browse. Some cookies on this site are essential or necessary and the site will not function as expected without them. Furthermore, third-party cookies may also be used on pages where third-party services are offered, such as on pages where "Facebook" services are offered.

About Essential Cookies: These cookies are set when you submit a form, log in or interact with the website by doing something other than clicking on simple links. These cookies are used, for example, when the user chooses to remember their login and password data in the browser.

About Third-Party Cookies: On our website, we also currently use non-essential or third-party cookies (see item 9, below), which are cookies generated by websites other than the web pages the user is currently browsing, generally because are linked to advertisements or services contained on these pages, such as Facebook. Third-party cookies allow advertisers or analytics companies to track an individual's browsing history across the web on sites that contain their advertisements.

However, with the advent of new data protection laws, allowing third-party cookies to access your browser is now optional in many countries and states.

By clicking "Accept All Cookies", you declare that you agree with the previous provisions. If you are not happy with this, we will not set these cookies, but some interesting features of the Platform will be unavailable.  

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4. When we delete Personal Data

We structure the Platform and our operations so that your Personal Data is not kept in an identified manner for longer than necessary in our database.

Furthermore, we reserve the right to remove personal data when the User does not subscribe to any of the features available and stops logging into the Platform for a period equal to or greater than 01 (one) year.

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5. Who else will have access to Personal Data

The Personal Data of Users registered in our Database are used solely and exclusively to support us in carrying out the purposes mentioned in item 2 above and are not shared or sold with no one else, except with:

a) Business partners, such as technology companies, for hosting our Platform or managing and sending our Newsletters; or reception and event organization companies, when Personal Registration Data will be used; and

b) Judicial, police, government authorities or other third parties with whom we are obliged, by law, regulatory rule or court order, to share respective Data, at which time Personal Registration Data and Device Information may be made available.

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6. What are your rights in relation to your Personal Data

Under the terms of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) – Law nº 13.709/2018, you have the right to:

i. confirmation that we process your Personal Data;

ii. access to your Personal Data;

iii. correction of Personal Data that is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date;

iv. anonymization, blocking or deletion of Personal Data that is unnecessary, excessive or processed in non-compliance with the provisions of the LGPD;

v. portability of your Personal Data to another service or product provider, subject to our commercial and industrial secrets, after regulation by the National Data Protection Authority;

vi. deletion of Personal Data processed based on your consent, except in cases of conservation of Personal Data provided for in the LGPD;

vii. information about who we share your Personal Data with;

viii. information about the possibility of not providing your consent and the consequences;

ix. revocation of your consent to the processing of your Personal Data, when Personal Data is processed based on your Consent (see item 7 below);

x. opposition to treatment that violates the LGPD.


You can exercise any of the rights above by accessing our form CONTACT US. Choose the Administration option and send us a message expressing your intention.

Before we respond to your request to exercise the rights mentioned above, we may ask you to provide us with some additional information to confirm your identity.

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7. Storage and Protection of Personal Data

We store your Personal Data securely on our servers in Brazil. We adopt the best technical and administrative practices to protect Personal Data from unauthorized access, destruction, loss, alteration, communication, violation or any form of inappropriate or illicit treatment.

However, no platform is 100% secure. If you have any concerns, suspicions or suspicions that your Personal Data is at risk, please contact us immediately (follow the steps provided in item “6” above).

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8. Do you need to consent to the use of your Personal Data as described in the Policy?

The LGPD establishes several situations in which the processing of Personal Data is permitted, regardless of the consent of the holder of that Personal Data. These are called “legal bases for data processing”.

This means that, if you choose to use the Platform, in some cases we may collect and process your Personal Data independently of your consent (if there is a “legal basis” provided for in the LGPD that allows us to do so). In other cases we will ask for your consent to use your Personal Data. 

Currently, the FA Website, through its Platform, collects, in accordance with this policy, your consent only and solely for the processing related to registration on our Platform, subscription to Newsletters, participation in our Events, inserting Comments in our content and sending messages through the “Contact Us” form. If there are any changes to our Privacy Policy or the processing of our Users' Personal Data, making it necessary to collect your consent, you will be informed (see item 10 below) so that your consent is properly collected in accordance with the LGPD.

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9. Third Party Websites

On the Platform's content pages there are several links to third party websites. We do not have any relationship with the websites indicated or pointed to by existing links, therefore, we cannot offer guarantees or be responsible for the observance of privacy or security on these websites. Due to the speed of changes on the Internet, we are also not responsible for broken links. Links to websites supported, supported or linked to the FA Website must contain explicit information.

Furthermore, before you access the content indicated in the respective links, we recommend that you consult the privacy policies of the corresponding websites, to be adequately informed regarding the use of your personal information.

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10. Changes to This Policy

The provisions contained in our Privacy Policy may be changed at our discretion and at any time, as well as when there is a legal need.

The new terms will always be valid, effective and binding after: (i) being published on the FRANCÊ Advogados Platform, or; (ii) be sent by email to the respective Users, or; (iii) be communicated in any other way to Users.

The most up-to-date published Privacy Policy will always be valid, so it is the User's responsibility to check the updated version of this Policy every time they visit the Platform.

In cases where changes to the Policy imply changes in our Personal Data processing practices and which depend on Users' consent (see item 8 above), Users will be asked to consent to the new terms of this Policy after the change so that they can continue using the Platform and receiving the Services.

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11. How to File a Complaint

To register a complaint, you can access the page CONTACT US on our Platform and follow the procedures of item “6” above, remembering that you must be properly registered and logged in to the Platform to use the respective form.

Additionally, you can also contact the National Data Protection Authority to register your query.


FRANCÊ Advogados